1980s & '90s Lite Hits
Fun & lite adult contemporary hits.
Lite Hits Classics
Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s
1980s Hits
Top chart hits of the eighties
A Flock of '80s
Pop, Rock and New Wave from the early MTV era
Classic Hits
All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey
Feel Good '70s & '80s
Uptempo '70s and '80s pop hits
One-Hit Wonder Classic Hits
To become a legend, sometimes all it takes is one...
Feel Good '80s & '90s
Spirited tunes from the '80s and '90s to get you motivated and moving
This Is Music: 1985
Live Aid and New Coke! Here's the music of 1985.
Classic Rock 1985
Rock meets Pop and early Alternative, with Dire Straits, John Mellencamp, the Cure, and Talking H...
Kurt Hanson's Five-Star Radio
A tasty mix of pop standards, '60s oldies, classic rock, Broadway, and modern alt-country. Kurt i...
Classic Hits featuring Billy Joel
Our greatest hits collection with the spotlight on Long Island piano man Billy Joel.
Lisa Hertay's Five-Star Radio
Lisa is a country music fan who loves a dash of lite hits. She listens to AccuRadio in British Co...
Lite Hits: AccuRadio 500
The 500 "Lite Hits" rated highest by AccuRadio listeners.
'80s-'90s Hits: AccuRadio 500
Our listeners' top 500 '80s-'90s Hits by song ratings.
Classic Hits featuring ABBA
Voyage is the first ABBA album in 40 years, hear all the tracks from it in a special version of o...
House Blend: A Flock of '80s + Rock the Yacht
A blend best described as "new wave high rent pop" -- suggested by Joe, an AccuRadio listener in ...
'80s One-Hit Wonders
Mere minutes of fame from Toni Basil, Dexys Midnight Runners, Modern English, and so many more.
Two-hit Treasures: '80s & '90s
These '80s & '90s acts had TWO bites at the apple!
Focus '80s Hits
Familiar hits from the '80s to help you focus and be productive
Two-hit Treasures: '70s & '80s
You've heard of One-hit Wonders... these acts had TWO big hits (and we'll play 'em both!)
Fire It Up
Songs full of flames.
Lights, Camera, Music!
The greatest soundtrack songs of all time, according to AccuRadio listeners
The Most '80s
'80s variety to carry you through your day
Class of '85: Music of 1981-85
Your early-'80s school days: Huey Lewis, Mr. Mister, Duran Duran and "The Breakfast Club"
Class of '89: Music of 1985-89
The final class of the '80s, this is your music!
Class of '86: Music of 1982-86
Simple Minds, a-ha, Tears for Fears and Tina Turner starred in your school days, '86ers
Class of '87: Music of 1983-87
U2's The Joshua Tree, George Michael's Faith, and Whitney's sophomore LP were the sounds for '87 ...
Class of '88: Music of 1984-88
You graduated the year of anthems like "Fast Car," "Every Rose Has Its Thorn," and "Don't Worry, ...